Which of the following are true about compiled programming languages?

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  • Post last modified:April 22, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Which of the following are true about compiled programming languages?

  • C is a compiled language
  • Ruby is a compiled language
  • Perl is a compiled language
  • A programmer is usually more productive when using a compiled language
  • Compiled languages are great for system administration tasks like scripting
Explanation & Hint:

  1. C is a compiled language: True. C is a classic example of a compiled programming language. It requires the source code to be transformed into machine code by a compiler before it can be executed by a computer’s hardware.
  2. Ruby is a compiled language: False. Ruby is primarily an interpreted language. Although there are implementations of Ruby that can compile code, such as JRuby (to Java bytecode), the standard and most common use of Ruby is as an interpreted language, executing directly from the source code.
  3. Perl is a compiled language: False. Perl is another example of a language that, while it does have a compilation phase, is generally considered an interpreted language. Perl code is compiled into a bytecode, which is then executed by the Perl interpreter. This process is hidden from the user and happens at runtime, which aligns it more closely with interpreted languages.
  4. A programmer is usually more productive when using a compiled language: False. This statement can vary significantly depending on the context and the task. For many tasks, especially those involving rapid development cycles, debugging, or web development, interpreted languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript can be more productive due to their flexibility and ease of use. Compiled languages, however, may offer advantages in terms of performance and efficiency for certain types of applications.
  5. Compiled languages are great for system administration tasks like scripting: Generally false. While compiled languages can be used for system administration tasks, interpreted languages like Bash, Python, and Perl are typically preferred in the scripting domain due to their ease of editing and immediate execution without the need for a separate compilation step. Compiled languages are less common for such tasks because they add an extra step of compilation that can slow down the iterative process often needed in system administration.

Overall, while compiled languages like C offer advantages in performance and are suitable for applications requiring close-to-hardware operations, scripting and rapid development often benefit more from interpreted languages.

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