When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:

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  • Post last modified:April 21, 2024
  • Reading time:4 mins read

When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
(choose four)

  • Popularity on social media
  • Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
  • If the application software is supported by the distribution
  • Will commercial support be required for the OS
  • Does your organization require long-term support for the system
Answers Explanation & Hint:

When choosing a distribution of Linux, there are several factors to consider. Based on your options, here are four important considerations:

  1. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version: Stability is crucial for an operating system, especially in a production or enterprise environment. Look for distributions that provide a stable release, ensuring reliable performance and minimal bugs or crashes.
  2. If the application software is supported by the distribution: Check if the Linux distribution supports the specific application software you need. Some distributions focus on specific use cases or target different software ecosystems, so it’s essential to ensure compatibility with your desired applications.
  3. Will commercial support be required for the OS: Consider whether your organization requires commercial support for the operating system. Some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), offer paid support options, including technical assistance, maintenance, and security updates.
  4. Does your organization require long-term support for the system: Determine if your organization needs long-term support (LTS) for the Linux distribution. LTS releases provide extended support, including security patches and bug fixes, over an extended period, typically several years. This is important for stability and minimizing disruptions in production environments.

Note that popularity on social media is not necessarily a critical factor in choosing a Linux distribution. Popularity can be indicative of community support and availability of resources, but it should not be the sole deciding factor as it may not align with your specific requirements.

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When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
(choose five)

  • Will commercial support be required for the OS
  • Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
  • Popularity on social media
  • Does your organization require long-term support for the system
  • If the application software is supported by the distribution
  • Will users require a GUI
Explanation & Hint:

When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:

  1. Will commercial support be required for the OS – Some organizations need guaranteed support for their operating systems, which includes professional help and troubleshooting. Distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server offer commercial support.
  2. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version – Stability is crucial for business and production environments where system uptime and reliability are key. Distributions typically offer versions that prioritize stability over cutting-edge features.
  3. Does your organization require long-term support for the system – Long-term support (LTS) versions of Linux distributions provide security updates and support for extended periods, which is important for enterprise environments that need stability over time without frequent upgrades.
  4. If the application software is supported by the distribution – Compatibility with necessary application software is essential. It’s important to ensure that the applications your organization relies on can run smoothly on the chosen Linux distribution.
  5. Will users require a GUI – Depending on the user base and their proficiency with command-line interfaces, a graphical user interface (GUI) might be necessary. Some Linux distributions are more focused on providing a user-friendly GUI experience than others.

These considerations help in making an informed choice that aligns with organizational needs and user capabilities, ensuring that the Linux distribution selected meets operational requirements and user preferences.

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NDG Linux Essentials 2.21 Operating Systems Module 2 | Chapter 02 Exam Answers Full 100%