NDG Linux Essentials 2.21 Operating Systems Module 2 | Chapter 02 Exam Answers Full 100% 2013 and 2024

There are the questions of Cisco NDG Linux Essentials 2.21 Operating Systems Module 2 Exam Answers with the latest version and updated in 2024. All answers are verified by experts with explanations.

  1. When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
    (choose four)

    • Popularity on social media
    • Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
    • If the application software is supported by the distribution
    • Will commercial support be required for the OS
    • Does your organization require long-term support for the system
      Answers Explanation & Hint:

      When choosing a distribution of Linux, there are several factors to consider. Based on your options, here are four important considerations:

      1. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version: Stability is crucial for an operating system, especially in a production or enterprise environment. Look for distributions that provide a stable release, ensuring reliable performance and minimal bugs or crashes.
      2. If the application software is supported by the distribution: Check if the Linux distribution supports the specific application software you need. Some distributions focus on specific use cases or target different software ecosystems, so it’s essential to ensure compatibility with your desired applications.
      3. Will commercial support be required for the OS: Consider whether your organization requires commercial support for the operating system. Some Linux distributions, such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), offer paid support options, including technical assistance, maintenance, and security updates.
      4. Does your organization require long-term support for the system: Determine if your organization needs long-term support (LTS) for the Linux distribution. LTS releases provide extended support, including security patches and bug fixes, over an extended period, typically several years. This is important for stability and minimizing disruptions in production environments.

      Note that popularity on social media is not necessarily a critical factor in choosing a Linux distribution. Popularity can be indicative of community support and availability of resources, but it should not be the sole deciding factor as it may not align with your specific requirements.

  2. Embedded Systems means:

    • Users must support the systems themselves
    • You can view the software’s source code
    • Businesses cannot charge anything for the software, only the hardware
    • Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose
    • Companies must share their changes
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      Embedded systems refer to computer systems specifically designed to perform dedicated tasks within a larger device or system. The following statements accurately describe embedded systems:

      1. Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose: Embedded systems are tailored to perform specific functions, often within a constrained environment. They are built to handle a particular task efficiently, whether it’s controlling industrial machinery, running a medical device, or managing automotive systems.
      2. You can view the software’s source code: In some cases, the software running on embedded systems may have its source code available for viewing or modification. However, this may not always be the case, as some proprietary embedded systems may keep their source code closed.

      The remaining statements do not accurately represent embedded systems:

      • Users must support the systems themselves: Embedded systems can be supported either by the end-users or by the manufacturer or service provider, depending on the system’s design and deployment.
      • Businesses cannot charge anything for the software, only the hardware: Embedded systems can be sold as a complete package, including both the hardware and the software. The pricing and business model can vary, and software may be sold or licensed separately from the hardware.
      • Companies must share their changes: While open-source embedded systems exist, where changes and modifications are often shared, not all embedded systems require companies to share their changes. Proprietary embedded systems allow companies to keep their modifications private and not share them with the public.
  3. The most popular Linux platform for mobile phones is:

    • BlackBerry
    • MobileLinux
    • Android
    • IOS
    • Slackware
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      The most popular Linux platform for mobile phones is Android. Android is an open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel and developed primarily for mobile devices. It has gained significant popularity and market share in the mobile industry, powering a wide range of smartphones and tablets. Android offers a vast ecosystem of applications, customization options, and extensive developer support.

  4. Linux distributions use this to add and remove software from the system:

    • Compiler
    • Package manager
    • Bash
    • Application Programming Interface (API)
    • Partitioning tool
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      Linux distributions use a package manager to add and remove software from the system. A package manager is a software tool that manages the installation, update, and removal of software packages in a Linux distribution. It handles dependencies, resolves conflicts, and provides a centralized system for managing software packages. Popular package managers in Linux include apt (used in Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions), yum (used in Red Hat and CentOS), and pacman (used in Arch Linux).

  5. In Linux, RPM can be defined as:

    • The Package Manager program for Red Hat Linux
    • Relational peak monitoring
    • Random program memory
    • Radical performance machine
    • The speed a record plays back at
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      In Linux, RPM stands for “Red Hat Package Manager.” It refers to both the file format and the package management system used by the Red Hat family of Linux distributions, including CentOS and Fedora. RPM is responsible for managing the installation, removal, and updates of software packages in these distributions. RPM packages contain the necessary files and instructions for installing software on a Linux system. The RPM package manager provides commands and utilities to work with these packages, making it easier to manage software installations and updates on Red Hat-based systems.

  6. Linux originally only ran on:

    • Xerox copy machines
    • Raspberry Pi computers
    • Specialized processor chips
    • Intel 386 PCs
    • Macintosh
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      Linux originally ran on Intel 386 PCs. When Linux was first developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, it was designed to run on the Intel 386 processor architecture. The availability of the Linux kernel for the Intel 386 PC platform played a significant role in its early adoption and popularity among computer enthusiasts and developers. Over time, Linux has expanded its support to various architectures and devices, including servers, desktops, laptops, embedded systems, Raspberry Pi computers, and more. However, its initial target was the Intel 386 PC platform.

  7. A long software release cycle is:

    • Only offered by Red Hat and SUSE
    • Makes programming more difficult since new features cannot be used
    • Characterized by infrequent security fixes
    • Valued by businesses that want stability
    • Better because old hardware can be utilized beyond its service life
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      A long software release cycle is valued by businesses that want stability. A long software release cycle refers to a development and release approach where major updates or new versions of software are released at longer intervals. This means that the software remains relatively unchanged for a longer period, focusing primarily on bug fixes, security updates, and stability improvements rather than introducing new features.

      The benefits of a long software release cycle include:

      1. Stability: Businesses that rely on software stability and consistency often prefer longer release cycles. It allows them to have a more predictable and reliable environment, minimizing the risk of disruptions caused by frequent updates or changes.
      2. Reduced disruption: With longer release cycles, organizations have more time to plan and prepare for updates. This reduces the frequency of disruptive changes, giving users and IT departments more time to adapt to new versions.
      3. Compatibility: Longer release cycles give software developers and third-party vendors more time to ensure their products are compatible with the new version. This reduces compatibility issues and allows for smoother transitions when updating software.

      However, it’s worth noting that while a long software release cycle offers stability, it may limit the availability of new features and improvements during the cycle. This can make programming more challenging if developers want to take advantage of the latest enhancements. Additionally, longer release cycles may result in less frequent security fixes, potentially leaving the software more vulnerable to emerging threats.

  8. Which distribution is related to Red Hat?

    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
    • Fedora
    • Raspbian
    • Slackware
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      The distribution related to Red Hat is Fedora. Fedora is a community-driven, open-source Linux distribution that is sponsored by Red Hat. It serves as a testing ground for new technologies and features that eventually make their way into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which is a commercially supported and enterprise-focused distribution. Fedora shares many similarities with RHEL in terms of package management (using the RPM package format) and system administration tools. Both Fedora and RHEL are part of the same ecosystem and share a common ancestry, with Fedora serving as a more cutting-edge and community-oriented distribution, while RHEL provides long-term support and stability for enterprise environments.

  9. SUSE is derived from which distribution?

    • Debian
    • Slackware
    • Scientific Linux
    • Fedora
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      SUSE is derived from Slackware. SUSE Linux, also known as openSUSE, has its roots in the Slackware Linux distribution. SUSE Linux initially started as a German version of Slackware and later evolved into its own distribution with its distinct features and tools. Both Slackware and SUSE Linux share similarities in terms of package management (using the .rpm package format) and system administration. However, it’s important to note that SUSE Linux has also incorporated technologies and advancements from other distributions over time, making it a unique and independent distribution within the Linux ecosystem.

  10. IoT is one application of embedded systems:

    True or False?

    • True
    • False
    • Answers Explanation & Hint:

      True. IoT (Internet of Things) is one application of embedded systems. Embedded systems are often used in IoT devices, which are interconnected physical devices or objects that can communicate and exchange data over the internet. Embedded systems in IoT devices enable functionalities such as sensing, data processing, and communication, allowing these devices to interact with each other and with cloud-based services. IoT applications can range from smart home devices and wearables to industrial monitoring systems and smart cities.

  11. Artificial intelligence has little potential for gains in efficiency, safety and productivity.

    • False
    • True
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The statement that “Artificial intelligence has little potential for gains in efficiency, safety, and productivity” is false. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already demonstrated significant potential and actual gains across various sectors, including:

      1. Efficiency: AI optimizes operations in industries like manufacturing, where it can predict maintenance needs and optimize production schedules. It also enhances efficiency in logistics by routing deliveries and managing inventories with high precision.
      2. Safety: In automotive technology, AI contributes to the development of autonomous vehicles that can reduce accidents caused by human error. AI also plays a critical role in monitoring and predicting points of failure in critical infrastructure, thereby preventing accidents before they happen.
      3. Productivity: AI tools help streamline many tasks, from administrative automation in offices to aiding in complex decision-making processes, thus freeing up human resources for more creative and strategic tasks.

      Overall, AI’s role in improving efficiency, enhancing safety, and boosting productivity is well-recognized and continues to expand.

  12. The Raspberry Pi is popular with experimenters because:

    • It takes months or years to develop an application
    • It runs Microsoft Office
    • The hardware never changes
    • End users have to pay for programming expenses
    • It’s cheap and adaptable
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The statement that best explains why the Raspberry Pi is popular with experimenters is that “It’s cheap and adaptable.”

      The Raspberry Pi is favored particularly for its affordability and versatility, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of projects from simple educational tasks to complex prototypes. Here’s why:

      1. Affordability: The Raspberry Pi is inexpensive, which lowers the barrier to entry for individuals and educational institutions to explore computing and programming.
      2. Adaptability: It supports various programming languages and can be used with a wide array of sensors, motors, and other peripherals, allowing enthusiasts and professionals alike to customize their setups extensively.
      3. Community and Resources: There is a vast community of users and developers around the Raspberry Pi, providing extensive support, tutorials, and open-source projects that users can leverage for their own experiments.

      These features make the Raspberry Pi an ideal platform for learning, experimentation, and innovation in numerous fields including robotics, home automation, and IoT (Internet of Things).

  13. The release cycle:

    • Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade
    • Should be short so you always have the freshest releases
    • Only has meaning for paid software
    • Describes how long software will be supported
    • Dictates how often software is updated
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The best statement that describes the release cycle is: “Dictates how often software is updated.”

      A release cycle refers to the schedule and process through which new versions of software are planned, developed, tested, and released. The length and nature of the release cycle can vary depending on the software, the company behind it, and the needs of the user base. Here’s how it impacts the software and its users:

      1. Frequency of Updates: A shorter release cycle means that updates come out more frequently, which can be beneficial for getting the latest features and security patches quickly. However, it may also require more frequent adjustments or upgrades from users.
      2. Stability and Testing: Longer release cycles often allow for more thorough testing and stability before a new version is rolled out. This can be crucial for complex or critical systems where stability is prioritized over having the latest features.
      3. Support and Planning: The release cycle also impacts how long a particular version of the software will be supported with updates and security patches.

      Understanding the release cycle of software is important for planning upgrades, managing compatibility, and ensuring that systems remain secure and functional.

  14. Debian is a community effort that supports many hardware platforms
    True or False?

    • True
    • False
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Debian is indeed a community-driven project that supports many hardware platforms. It’s known for its robustness and versatility, supporting a wide range of computer architectures, which makes it a popular choice for many different types of hardware setups, from personal computers and servers to embedded systems. This extensive hardware support is one of the reasons Debian is favored in both educational environments and enterprises.

  15. Linux Mint is:

    •  Compatible with Android systems
    •  A proprietary version of Ubuntu with advanced features
    •  A refreshing after dinner treat
    •  Distributed in every country without license restrictions
    •  A fork of Ubuntu Linux
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Linux Mint is:

      A fork of Ubuntu Linux.

      Linux Mint is a popular Linux distribution that is indeed based on Ubuntu, which in turn is based on Debian. It aims to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java, and other components. It is known for its simplicity and efficiency, making it a good choice for users who are new to Linux.

  16. A computer running Linux can:

    •  Serve a government agency
    • Function as a web server
    • Be used to create new programs
    • All of the above
    • Outperform proprietary systems at certain tasks
    • Explanation & Hint:

      A computer running Linux can serve a wide variety of functions, including:

      1. Serve a government agency: Linux’s security features and stability make it suitable for use in sensitive and critical environments like government agencies.
      2. Function as a web server: Linux is extremely popular in hosting environments due to its robustness, security, and stability. Many of the internet’s servers run on Linux.
      3. Be used to create new programs: Linux supports a vast array of programming tools and languages, making it a preferred platform for developers.
      4. Outperform proprietary systems at certain tasks: Linux can also outperform proprietary systems in many areas such as networking, security, and running on hardware with limited resources.

      These capabilities make Linux a versatile and powerful choice for various applications.

  17. Bundling utilities, management tools, and application software with a Linux kernel is called a:

    • A text editor
    • A type of hardware
    • A trademark
    • A distribution of Linux
    • Explanation & Hint:

      A Linux distribution, often simply called a distro, is a version of the Linux operating system that includes the Linux kernel along with a set of software to meet the needs of a specific group of users. This typically includes system tools, graphical user interfaces, and application software. Each distro can vary greatly in terms of what software is included and how it is configured. Examples include Ubuntu, Fedora, and Linux Mint.

  18. A network of inexpensive computers connected to sensors and controllers is called:

    • Closed source computing
    • Open source networking
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Relationational database
    • Creative commons
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect, interact and exchange data. IoT is used in various applications to make systems more efficient, gather data, and control devices remotely.

  19. The Linux platform that runs on mobile phones is called:

    • MicroLinux
    • LinuxMobile
    • IOS
    • Teledroid
    • Android
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Android is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, and it is primarily designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It’s one of the most widely used mobile operating systems globally.

  20. What does a distribution provide to add and remove software from the system?

    • Application Programming Interface (API)
    • Partitioning tool
    • Bash
    • Compiler
    • Package Manager
    • Explanation & Hint:

      A package manager is software that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software packages from a computer’s operating system in a consistent manner. Package managers are a key component of Linux distributions, allowing users to keep the system up to date and install new applications with ease. Examples include APT (for Debian-based distributions), YUM and DNF (for Fedora and other RPM-based distributions).

  21. A software release cycle describes:

    • How often the computer must be upgraded to support new software
    • How often security fixes are implemented
    • How often upgrades come out for software
    • How often the computer must be rebooted
    • How often the software’s memory is released back to the operating system
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The release cycle outlines the schedule and frequency with which new versions of software, including upgrades, enhancements, and sometimes security patches, are released to the public. This cycle can vary greatly depending on the software’s development philosophy, user needs, and the stability required. The release cycle is crucial for planning maintenance, upgrades, and ensuring compatibility with other systems.

  22. Which distributions are made by, or are clones of, RedHat?​
    (choose two)

    • Debian
    • Slackware
    • Ubuntu
    • Fedora
    • CentOS
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Two distributions that are made by, or are clones of, Red Hat are:

      1. Fedora – Fedora is a community-supported distribution that is sponsored by Red Hat. It serves as a testing ground for new technologies that may eventually be incorporated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
      2. CentOS – CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) was a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, built from its source code with the aim of providing a free enterprise class computing platform that has high compatibility with RHEL. Note that as of December 2021, CentOS Linux is shifting focus to CentOS Stream, which will be a rolling preview of what’s next in RHEL.
  23. Ubuntu is derived from which distribution?

    • Debian
    • Scientific Linux
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    • Slackware
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Ubuntu is derived from:


      Ubuntu is based on Debian and shares its package management system and many core tools. It is designed to be user-friendly and includes various additional features that Debian does not, such as more frequent releases and a broader range of default desktop environments.

  24. The most important consideration when choosing an operating system is:

    • Whether or not it is cloud-friendly
    • The licensing model of the operating system
    • The total cost of ownership
    • What the intended use of the system is
    • How much performance is needed
    • Explanation & Hint:

      The most important consideration when choosing an operating system is:

      What the intended use of the system is

      The intended use of the system determines which operating system is most appropriate because different operating systems are optimized for different tasks. For example, an operating system for a high-traffic server might prioritize stability and security, while one for a multimedia production studio might prioritize support for creative software and hardware compatibility. Understanding the primary function of the system helps in selecting an OS that best meets those specific needs.

  25. A maintenance cycle:

    • Describes how long a version of software will be supported
    • Should be short so you always have the freshest releases
    • Only has meaning for paid software
    • Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade
    • Describes how often updates for software come out
    • Explanation & Hint:

      A maintenance cycle:

      Describes how long a version of software will be supported.

      The maintenance cycle for a software product typically outlines the period during which the software vendor provides support and updates for a particular version of software. This includes security patches, bug fixes, and sometimes minor feature enhancements. Knowing the maintenance cycle is crucial for planning future upgrades and ensuring software security and reliability over time.

  26. If a software release is in a state in that it has many new features that have not been rigorously tested, it is typically referred to as beta software.
    True or False?

    • True
    • False
    • Explanation & Hint:

      When a software release is in a state where it has many new features that have not been rigorously tested, it is typically referred to as beta software. Beta versions are part of the software development cycle where the software is functional but still undergoing testing, and it is released to a group of users who will use the software under real conditions to identify any bugs or issues before the final release. This phase follows alpha testing and precedes the final release version.

  27. Software is backward compatible if:

    • If the next version still works the same way
    • It works across Linux/Mac/Windows
    • It can be upgraded without downtime
    • It still supports old file formats or applications
    • People still use old versions
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Software is backward compatible if:

      It still supports old file formats or applications.

      Backward compatibility refers to the ability of new versions of software to interact with, utilize, or support data, files, or interfaces developed for older versions. This ensures that users can update or upgrade software without losing access to their existing work or needing to change their workflows drastically.

  28. Apple’s OS X is:
    (choose three)

    • Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project
    • A fully certified UNIX distribution
    • Tightly integrated with Apple hardware
    • Primarily used to manage network services
    • Able to natively run Windows binaries
    • Derived from Linux
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Apple’s OS X is:

      1. Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project – OS X (now macOS) incorporates elements from FreeBSD, particularly in its UNIX-based core, known as Darwin.
      2. A fully certified UNIX distribution – macOS is a UNIX 03 compliant operating system, certified by The Open Group. This means it conforms to a subset of the Single UNIX Specification, which ensures compatibility and stability within the UNIX environment.
      3. Tightly integrated with Apple hardware – macOS is designed specifically for Apple hardware, with optimizations that enhance performance and user experience, making it highly integrated with the system it runs on.

      These three points reflect key aspects of what makes macOS distinct in its architecture, certification, and integration with hardware.

  29. Microsoft Windows:
    (choose three)

    • Offers both desktop and server products
    • Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions
    • Has a short maintenance cycle
    • Has a Linux compatibility mode
    • Has a scripting environment called PowerShell
    • Has a new desktop version every year.
    • Explanation & Hint:

      Microsoft Windows:

      1. Offers both desktop and server products – Microsoft Windows has a range of operating systems tailored for both personal desktop use and server environments, such as Windows 10 for desktops and Windows Server for servers.
      2. Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions – Windows strives to maintain compatibility with software and hardware designed for earlier versions to ensure a smooth transition for users upgrading from one version to another.
      3. Has a scripting environment called PowerShell – PowerShell is a powerful scripting and automation tool built into Windows, providing comprehensive control over system and network functions.

      These three points highlight key aspects of Microsoft Windows in terms of its product offerings, compatibility approach, and built-in tools for system management and automation.

  30. When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:
    (choose five)

    • Will commercial support be required for the OS
    • Does the distribution offer a “stable” version
    • Popularity on social media
    • Does your organization require long-term support for the system
    • If the application software is supported by the distribution
    • Will users require a GUI
    • Explanation & Hint:

      When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider:

      1. Will commercial support be required for the OS – Some organizations need guaranteed support for their operating systems, which includes professional help and troubleshooting. Distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server offer commercial support.
      2. Does the distribution offer a “stable” version – Stability is crucial for business and production environments where system uptime and reliability are key. Distributions typically offer versions that prioritize stability over cutting-edge features.
      3. Does your organization require long-term support for the system – Long-term support (LTS) versions of Linux distributions provide security updates and support for extended periods, which is important for enterprise environments that need stability over time without frequent upgrades.
      4. If the application software is supported by the distribution – Compatibility with necessary application software is essential. It’s important to ensure that the applications your organization relies on can run smoothly on the chosen Linux distribution.
      5. Will users require a GUI – Depending on the user base and their proficiency with command-line interfaces, a graphical user interface (GUI) might be necessary. Some Linux distributions are more focused on providing a user-friendly GUI experience than others.

      These considerations help in making an informed choice that aligns with organizational needs and user capabilities, ensuring that the Linux distribution selected meets operational requirements and user preferences.

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