If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use?

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  • Post last modified:April 22, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read

If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use?

  • Evolution
  • Compiz
  • Firefox
  • LibreOffice
Answers Explanation & Hint:

To create and print an invoice, you could use the software called LibreOffice.

LibreOffice is a popular open-source office suite that provides various applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. The suite includes an application called LibreOffice Calc, which is comparable to Microsoft Excel, and can be used to create and manage invoices. You can design and customize your invoice template, input the necessary details, perform calculations if needed, and then print the invoice directly from LibreOffice.

Evolution is an email and personal information management application. Compiz is a window manager and compositing manager for Linux desktop environments. Firefox is a web browser. GNOME is a desktop environment. While these software applications serve different purposes, they are not specifically designed for invoice creation and printing like LibreOffice.

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